Quality is more than just meeting certifications

For ALUDEX, quality is meeting the wishes of internal and external customers and, where possible, exceeding them. Good quality does not only say something about the product or service that is delivered, but also, for example, whether the internal and external communication is fast, correct and pleasant, whether the agreements have been recorded and are met, whether the delivery has been made on time etc.

Striving to always do just that little bit better than someone else is a top priority for us. Due to our vast amount of knowledge and experience regarding everything surrounding aluminium, we can better estimate the expectations of our customers and therefore better exceed them.

Recognised training company

ALUDEX is affiliated with the organisation SBB: the Foundation for Cooperation on Vocational Education, Training and the Labour Market. Some of the ALUDEX managers have been certified by SBB to provide practical training. Trainees from various technical courses can take training courses at ALUDEX.

Dutch Aluminium Association

Because everything revolves around aluminium at ALUDEX, membership to the Dutch Aluminium Association is a logical given. The DAA is an umbrella organisation for the aluminium producing, processing and applying industry and functions as a knowledge and information centre.

Qualicoat and Qualanod certification

Our anodising lines meet the highest quality requirements, including Qualanod. You can view a copy of the Qualanod standard here.

Our coating lines also meet the highest safety and quality requirements, such as Qualicoat. Qualicoat is an international quality label that has extensively laid down the process and product requirements. You can view a copy of the Qualicoat standard here.

ISO9001:2015 certified by TÜV

Naturally, ALUDEX is EN ISO9001:2015 certified. Please find a copy of our certificate here.

This is how we guarantee our quality

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Custom made aluminium profiles

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One point of contact for all services

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100% European production

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Sustainable business

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Easily scale up your production

Want to find out more about us?

We are available from Monday to Friday: 08:30 – 17:00.